Principal's Message

Dear Students,
     Today is an era of globalization and industrialization in which engineering education is essential. Only engineering education has the calibre to surpass the radical changes taking place all over the world. The global market demands a lot of qualities from engineers and SIDDHIBINAYAK SCIENCE COLLEGE is efficiently fulfilling all the required norms and criteria's. Our Institute is preferred by many students because we are imparting value based quality engineering education.

      It is approved by AICTE and affiliated to Sate Council of Technical Education and Vocational Training, Orissa. The Institute has a very good placement cell. Students, being heart and soul of the Institute, we provide special attention towards students by conducting special classes on holidays.

      Our Institute regularly arranges seminars, conferences and paper presentations. We also cadre the aesthetic interests of our students by organizing various cultural programs. Our institute has a very rich and spacious library, well equipped laboratories and up-to-date gymnasium.       Economic Liberalization has made it imperative to be competitive in domestic as well as global market. This has created an utmost need for use of appropriate technology. The technical institutes need to strive to improve its effectiveness to produce a unique, need-based technical manpower nation to stand firmly and successfully in the present competitive era. Realizing this precious need of time, SIDDHIBINAYAK SCIENCE COLLEGE situated in the one of largest industrial area of Orissa is determined to come up as a prominent engineering institute offering quality education by working at the new frontiers of knowledge for the betterment of human beings.

Manasi Manjari Mohanty,M.E,B.E