E-governance is the introduction of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in all activities, with the point of upgrading government capacity to address the necessities of the public & students.
A few of our E-governance initiatives include:
1. Vidhyarthi
Vidhyarthi portal developed by NIC Bhubaneswar is used by SCTE&VT for all exam related online activities & publication of result. Students can obtain and download their marksheet,certificate and result by the help of this application by simply submitting their registration number or roll no. The faculties of various institution accredited by SCTE&VT can uploaded the internal & sessional marks of the students through this software.
2. E-Evaluation of Answer Scripts
SCTE&VT, Odisha is the only Diploma examining body in the entire country which has adopted E-Evaluation system of its Answer Scripts. The Answer scripts are scanned in the Council premises and uploaded to a Tier-III Data Center. The cover page of the Answer Script containing student information is masked and not visible to the evaluator. The scripts are mixed and available to the evaluators in a randomised manner. Evaluators at 23 evaluation centers download a soft copy of the script and evaluate it on-screen by awarding marks, annotations and comments in a real time mode. This facility has helped the Council to complete the evaluation activity in a time bound manner and publish result in time.
3. e-Despatch
e-Despatch is an innovative service for streamlining the flow of office files within the system in a digital way.Files are scanned and stored in a central server and used in the process flow as and when required. e-Despatch transform this process by plummeting the efforts significantly when letter is sent via e-Despatch. The only effort required in the process is the time taken to scan the physical copy of the letter to be sent, which takes not more than a minute, because of the scanner’s configuration with the system.
More than a letter dispatch system, e-Despatch is a knowledge management and productivity tool. It makes sure that all facts of business process are adequately captured within its framework and enables organization specific approval system, electronic documentation and records management. This framework supports rapid configuration of a wide range of systems including collaborative networking, sharing documents, knowledge acquisition and knowledge representation, and also various combinations of mind sharing technologies. Therefore here is a platform to build knowledge organically.
4. Online Services through LokasebaAdhikara
Seven no.s of Student centric Services of Diploma and Five no.s for ITI stream are provided directly to the students through LokasebaAdikara. Students can now apply online for these services in the Common Application portal, pay the fees online and get the required service online through LokasebaAdhikara. This has helped the students to get service in a timely manner as well as they need not come to the Council for their problems.
5. Digi Locker
6. Make My Report
“Make My Report” is an online reporting tool designed for making dynamic reports. This is a speedy and simple tool for formation of dynamic reports, assigning to ground office users to accumulate instant information on particular requirement and compilation of reports received from ground offices. The administrator can add contacts to accumulate data on time to time basis, make desired reports. Administrator can choose contacts to assign the report and fetch essential data with the help of reports. All ground level contacts will be able to login by the allotted user id and password through web-application and need to fill up the assigned report format and submit the same to admin and this will auto compile and gives consolidated information to admin.
7. Bio-metric Attendance System
Bio metric Attendance system is an innovative system for streamlining the academic system of the institute. Depending upon the student strength multiple Bio-metric devices are installed at prominent places of the institute which are connected to a central server through LAN. Every day attendance data of the students’ is synced from the institute local server to the State Application Portal developed by NIC Bhubaneswar. The daily attendance of the student is monitored by the Institute as well as Council and only those students having requisite percentage of attendance in the semester are eligible to appear semester exam.
8. E-Question Paper Delivery System
This is a great inventiveness of SCTE&VT to make the examination process more disciplined and systemize. SCTE&VT will be the only Diploma examining body in the entire country which will be adopting such a system from the forthcoming Winter 2017 examination. In this process the semester question papers of Diploma engg will be stored in the Data Centerand transmitted to all examination centers in an encrypted mode just before the exam. There will be 3 levels of security involved in this system thus making it tamper proof. The Center Superintendents of all exam centers will download the questions at the specified time just before the exam & print the question paper before distributing it to the examination halls. This method eliminates the chance of question leakage as well as saves the time & money incurred for printing of questions.
9. Online Receipt & Payment of fees
SCTE&VT has adapted modern IT techniques for giving better service to the students and institutes. Online payment System is one of the finest examples in this regard. Now Registration fees and Exam form fill up fees is paid online by the institutes through net banking. All other payments are also done online by the institutes. Similarly all payments like Remuneration to Question Setters, Evaluators, Service providers etc. are also done online.